Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lower Leg and Foot Clay Model

In the upper right picture you can see the extensors which run across the top of the foot and connect to each toe. In the bottom right side view you cans see the extensors. The large extensors can be seen attaching to the top of the tibia, as well as the tendons of the extensors that are running across the top of the toes. Peroneus tertius which attaches in the middle of the tibia and the tendon attaches to the outer side of the foot. In the bottom left side picture you can see the extensors slightly, but what the main muscle in this image is the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius or known as the calf muscles that attach from the bottom of the Femur, and the Achilles tendon runs down to the heal of the foot.

1 comment:

Amy Fichter [xenia elizabeth] said...

you want to increase the gastrocnemius so you can see it more from the anterior view. and open up the back of the knee a bit more so you can clearly see the diamond shape of the popliteal space.