Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last blog paragraph

In Life Drawing this semester I believe that I have improved on my drawing abilities. Starting this class I drew object on what I believe that I saw and mainly using outside lines trying to capture the assents. This class has really helped me drawing shapes, looking for landmarks on the body and with proportion. 

What this class has also helped me is working on variations of lines weights, because when I start I really only drew with same line weights and my drawings really did not look in perspective. I have learned to see the three plans of every object and trying to implement shading using the plans. Another thing that i have learned from this class is that the body is not all organic curves but there are strait lines. 

With the new techniques that I have learned I have been able to show distances in my drawings. For example in the bottoms final bold picture I use different line weight to give the illusion of perspective. 

In the class the manikin helped me a lot when it came to understanding muscles and how they look. Before the class I thought I new the human body alright, but when working with the manikin I was able to really see how many different varieties of muscles in different locations of the body. The manikin really helped me see how muscles attacked to the different joints. 

In the end I have learned a lot from this class and hope that it shows in my future drawings. 

Finial Blog

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Toothbrush Design

his is a toothbrush that I designed for young professional.  The toothbrush has a comfortable ergonomic handle, and has a narrow head with a tilt on it for easy brushing.  

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lower Leg and Foot Clay Model

In the upper right picture you can see the extensors which run across the top of the foot and connect to each toe. In the bottom right side view you cans see the extensors. The large extensors can be seen attaching to the top of the tibia, as well as the tendons of the extensors that are running across the top of the toes. Peroneus tertius which attaches in the middle of the tibia and the tendon attaches to the outer side of the foot. In the bottom left side picture you can see the extensors slightly, but what the main muscle in this image is the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius or known as the calf muscles that attach from the bottom of the Femur, and the Achilles tendon runs down to the heal of the foot.


This is a grouping of my gesture drawing which i started from the begging of the year till present. You can see which ones were my first by the single line gestures which i was trying to capture the different shapes of the body using the center axes. Then going longer into the class we started working on putting in the rib cage and some skin. Now what we are doing in our gestures is adding most of the muscles in the body and getting perspective right.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Drawing Class Insite

Life Drawing in a nut sell for me so far is learning what the different muscles and bones look like for when we are drawing models we can have an easier time understanding why different curves curve the way they do. We also really go in- depth into learning about perspective and how it really helps make drawings realistic and pop. I really enjoy working on perspective and different shading skills to make muscles and different curves on the human body pop in the daily model drawings. 
When thinking about other things that i want to work on or getting better at in the nezt few weeks of the semester left would be things like better drawings skills. I can draw the models prety good, but I want to be able to look at my drawings at the end of the class and be like wow that really dose look like him/ hers body. Another thing that I want to work on would be finding the hard spots of the human body and drawing it well. 

Drawing progress

When going into discussion about the blog I find the most interesting point of the blog is seeing every ones artwork, and having discussion about it. I think the point of talking about others art work is great, because you can get other perspectives about your art. I try to reply to discussion but end up just taking to them about it.
Now on the other hand the most frustrating thing about these blogs would have to be writing about the art trying to explain to people what you were trying to do. I like just talking to people about it. I just don't find blogs for me when I think of a blog it reminds me of people that love to pour there lives out in a web page. What I think would have been cool if we would have made our own website and had a gallery showing in the personal website. other art pieces that I haven't posted on the blog yet, but would have liked to show people would have been other Industrial project, or other drawings that i have done in the past. 
A blog assignment for other people that would be a good one to do would be taking one or the best drawing for each day and posting it on the blog to really see the progression throughout the class. When I look at my blog I think it is stimulating and easy to navigate through to see all of the artwork. The images on it have good quality, and I think that descriptions for the art pieces are also at a point to where i would not be embarrest to have someone out side of our class to look at. I know that I'm not the best person when it comes to telling someone about art, but I think I can do an alright job of it. The thing that i just have to work on is taking the time to type about others art instead of just talking to them in class about it. i just find it easier to talk to them instead of typing it to them. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drawing progress

These are some photos of my drawings that I did in Life Drawing. There is a progression starting from the top drawing to the bottom showing new techniques and talents that were learned. Throughout the class we have been taught the different muscles and bones of the human body to help in our drawings of the human body. Things that i have learned throughout the process is that skeleton, and muscle structure has many elegant, and large curves that shapes what we look like. With knowing how the interior work is laid out you can have a better knowledge of how to deal with spots that seem to be hard to put into perspective.

"Chillax" A cologne bottle designed for Male Surfers

The Chillax is a cologne bottle designed for male surfers between the ages 20-30 love surfing, and look for good interesting design. I started ideating with the look surf board cologne bottle, but quickly found out that it looked to much like a large crayon. So I when back into ideation and looking at new aspects of the surfer. Then coming up with the tiki mask idea. I drew it out and really liked the idea. Made a foam model of the piece, and then made a resin mold of it. I had to pour 5 different bottles before finding the best one, and then finish the piece with sanding and lacker.  Chillax is an interesting form that will interest views, and should look like a jewel that came from the ocean. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Legs muscles

Today our group worked together on building the Hamstring, Quadricep, Adductor Magnus, and Adductor Longus muscles.  It was frustrating at times because we weren't sure where exactly the attachments were located.  We worked together and solved our problems.  We didn't realize how many muscles are actually in the legs!  It was more work than we had anticipated, but it was pleasant work experience:)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Utilizing group discussion to further understand the mannequin assignments was helpful in many ways. One benefit was that we were able to compare adn contrast our interpretations of what the book depicted and what the muscle structures are actually like. At times the book can be confusing because it is presented in a 2D format and we are building in a 3D format. Another benefit of the group was the opportunity to verbalize our questions and concerns about out progress so far. Once you see and talk about correctly built muscle systems most frustrations you previously had have the opportunity to be answered. Working along in your room doesn't allow for feedback if your muscles are too bulky, too long, or too short; but working in the group prevents these easily made mistakes. As the semester continues we all look forward to continuing our observations and discussions.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Clay model

This is a clay model that is being constructed by adding the muscles of the human anatomy. Material being use to show muscle is clay. It was interesting modeling clay to shape the looks of the muscle. Some of the muscles added to the skeleton so far is the Spinalis cervices, Spinalis thoracis, Longissimus capuitis, Longissimus thoracis ( which are shown in the middle row on the right and side picture), Rectus abdominis, Obliquus externus abdominis, Transversus perinei profundus, and Anatomy Illustration ( Is shown in the bottom pic where the muscle is connected to the ribs. They are your ab muscles. There are other ones listed are in the pelvis region.) I have learned a ton on the different places were muscle connects to bone and how they cover the how skeleton. It was difficult sometimes constructing and figuring out where muscles go and how large or small they had to be. The best way i dealt with my frustration was getting help from others and taking breaks. I ran into problems in the hip and pelvis region but solved it by looking at others and how they had theirs. This i might do differently for next clay process would be taking my time and really looking at the photos and maybe grabbing other sources on the internet. Tips that i would give to others doing this process would be communicate with others around you if you are having troubles. In my drawings i will be really trying to get the muscle structure you show itself threw the flesh. While doing my process i just used my books, the teachers model, and other students pieces.

Pelvis Master Drawings

These drawing focus on the pelvis region of the body. They are masters drawing of Michelanglo that I traced and drew over to emphasize the pelvis. Media used throughout the pieces is charcoal on paper.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Masters Tracings showing Rib Cage

These drawings concentrating on the rib cage of the master drawing. The top drawing is a piece that Michelangelo created. The middle drawing is a drawing that George Seurat did of a male nude profile. The bottom drawing comes from sculpture that Michelangelo called the Medicichapel.